You are a squirrel that has escaped the Oregon State Capital and made your way to your old tree. All you need to do is go up the tree while avoiding hunters to get your nuts and go back down to a floating nut to win
Hunt for treasure, live past sharks, defeat the enemy (Yellow Fish). Your a pour surviving fish, you need money to buy worms but your not the only one hunting for the treasure of captain Cutlass beard. Welcome to Treasure of Cutlass Reaf.
meet Binbi a very small Pika that needs much help to survive from weasels and big birds through fun and exiting levels. there are ways to kill the enemies though all you have to do is find an area on a level that has a small gun that shoots grass or another way to kill enemies is to step on them
you play as a guy in a canoe who goes around picking up amphibians and avoiding objects. the enemies are bullfrogs, and the bullfrog king. there are also object to avoid like rocks and egg masses, use 3 different nets to pick up native amphibians such as the red legged frog, rough skinned newt and the tadpole. to move around use the arrow keys, to catch a bullfrog use a big net by pressing the 1 key, to scoop up tadpoles use a bucket by pressing the 2 button, and to catch a red legged frog or rough skinned newt press the space button, you cant hurt the bullfrog king.
In Pika survival you have to get pass two predators in a certain amount of time. The object of the game is to get pass the Pikas predators before time runs out each level with the highest score you can get. There are two types of food in the game, fire weed and huckleberry. To increase your health you need to collect the fire weed (pink food) and if you collect huckleberry (green and blue) to you receive points.