Monday, March 9, 2015

Liam_Tide Pool liberation

Tide pool Liberation

By Liam
You need skill to play this game. No-scope nubes that are trying to destroy the tide pools. There is two modes to play, campaign and survival. Try both.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. suderman
    like the concept, not sure why the humans spontaneously explode with poop, what if they ran away in terror instead. The seagull can fly out of the room entirely. why do i immediately loose if one human makes it to the tidepools.

  3. this game is awesome
    no changes needed

    xoxo Henry

  4. Juan-
    I learned that humans destroy kelp
    The levels difficulty increase
    easier to hit

  5. learned seagulls kill helicopters
    the levels do become more difficult
    there are no enemies and no purpose
    make it relate to sea stars and the actual research question.

  6. learned seagulls kill helicopters
    the levels do become more difficult
    there are no enemies and no purpose
    make it relate to sea stars and the actual research question.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. i learned that seagulls kill people
    level change was good
    add background music

  9. the seagull is allowed to fly out of the room
    if i miss a human the game restarts, what is the fun iun that
    what about having to protect the tide pool and you lose points if humans start stepping on it. Also it does not make sense to explode the humans with seagull poop. Better would be to coat the humans in poop and they run away in horror. Not only would that be more inline with reality, it would be funny to watch. Also you should litter the beach with the expeled poop. Restarting continuously is annoying

  10. Has all three sounds
    the sprites kind of match
    you have all three levels needed

  11. Ethan T-
    Your sounds have to do with what you have in your game but not in your research project
    the sprites are cool and make a nice contribution to the game especially the fire bombs
    the levels do increase in difficulty especially the survival mode

  12. The game is fun to play but I'm not sure why there is a helicopter.

  13. Why does the poo explode. SOUNDS 10|10
    sprites are fine. you need more levels.
